How to use the guides
Read on to learn how to use our online guides: choosing a topic, watching the videos, and how to pick up on top tips. If you are already familiar with the guides, you can use the button below to visit the main guides page.
See the guidesSelecting a topic
Choose a topic from the list. The topics are divided into two sections: “meeting the practical needs of your loved one” and “looking after yourself, too”.

Watching the videos
Click or tap ‘play’ to watch one of the videos. You can watch these as many times as you like.

Reading the guide
Read the guide underneath the video if you want more details, or if you prefer to read.

Top tips
Look out for highlighted ‘top tips’ for extra useful ideas to help you look after your loved one.

Pay extra attention to sections highlighted as ‘important’.

'Resource’ sections highlight other related topics that might be useful. Clicking on the underlined blue text will take you to this resource.

Read next
When you’ve got what you need for now, carry on to the next guide. Note however that there is no need to read or watch the guides in any particular order.

When you are feeling confident that you know how to use the guides, tap ‘see the guides’ to get started. Or, tap ‘contact us’ if you’re stuck and need some help with the website.
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